0.6.1 Release Notes


This is a small patch to address a few issues that players have run into with the most recent update.

Please note that there is currently a bug with cutscenes where cutscenes will randomly not complete correctly for different users in different places. We are unable to reproduce, but thanks to the information provided by users we’ve put together a potential fix. Please let us know if this solves the issue, if not please provide us with as much information as possible including save files, videos and screenshots.

If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

Change Log

  • Fixed the wishlist button appearing after returning the stolen bread in the Steam Demo
  • Fixed a crash when trying to sleep in Vuni’s Inn
  • Attempted to fix a random cutscene bug that would make it not possible for players to proceed through the game


Gataela_Demo_11032022.zip 367 MB
Mar 12, 2022

Get Gataela - Demo

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